Our chapel
The Robert Schuman Haus has a modern chapel, where you can spend time in quiet contemplation. You can arrange for a baptism, wedding or other service to be held there.
The anteroom. Crossing into the Promised Land by water
The font − with the Easter candle and a surround of posts and chains − reminds us of when God delivered his people through the Red Sea crossing, just as He delivers us through baptism. “For all of you who were baptised into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ” (Galatians 3:27).
The main room
A path leads down the length of the chapel. Life and faith are like a journey along a path: we can make detours, or take the wrong track. The Church too, God’s people, is on a pilgrimage. The Church trusts that God is with it on its journey, even when times are bad and we are wandering through our own “wilderness”.
We make our way to the altar, a place to render thanks to God for His faithfulness to His people and for the strength we receive from Him. He gives Himself to us through His presence in the form of bread, which is food for us on many a difficult journey. The tabernacle was formerly placed very close to the altar.
We then make our way to the lectern, where the word of God is made known. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105).
The sedilium, where the priest sits, is placed so that priest and congregation all face the same direction. No-one gets in anyone’s way. No-one is left behind.
The front of the chapel (right and left); the burning bush candlestick
“I Am Who I Am” (Exodus 3:14) and an icon of the Virgin Mary that is an invitation to prayer.
The path traverses the chapel as far as the front wall. Its destination is the “breakthrough”, the sign of Christ, who breaks through the horizon of history; He is our last resort, the one to whom we can open ourselves. We open up; we become open for God and for our fellow men.
A square blue pane of glass directs our gaze towards our destination..